What to Bring
If this is your first time boarding your four legged friend or it has been a while since your last boarding, you may be wondering what to bring, what is provided etc. This is where you will find all the information you need to feel prepared and comfortable with your pets upcoming stay
As much as dogs are innately curious and receptive to new experiences, they are creatures of habit when it comes to their food. To make the transition from primary home to Pawsitive Kennels home away from home smooth and seamless, and to keep sensitive stomachs satisfied and stress-free, it’s best not to change your dog’s diet abruptly. Pet Owners should therefore supply a sufficient amount of food to last the entire boarding period — including drop-off and pick-up days.
It’s recommended that you overestimate how much your dog will eat during his or her stay, because there will undoubtedly be a greater expenditure of energy and enthusiastic burning of calories while they’re staying at Pawsitive Kennels. But if your dog’s food does run out, there’s no cause for panic: Pawsitive Kennels staff will gladly provide the dry food (at $3 per cup) for the remainder of the boarding period.
Dogs are fed with the same care and love that you demonstrate at home and every effort is made to ensure that appetites are kept at healthy levels Pawsitive Kennels relaxing environment and abundant physical activity work wonders in this regard). However, there may occur times when dogs demonstrate disinterest in their food, so it’s advisable for you to also supply any special canned or raw food — or other additive enticement — that your dog particularly enjoys, so that it can be mixed into meals to encourage eating, if required.

Pawsitive Kennels staff are experts at dealing with pets who require medication — for whatever reason — and experts at following owner medical instructions to the letter. Your dog’s health regimen will be scrupulously maintained here, whether that involves topical medications (creams, ointments, etc.) or oral (pills, vitamins, supplements, etc.).
Oral medications should be supplied in individual doses (e.g. if a dose is “half a pill,” then all pills should be split in half ahead of time) in the original prescription container labelled with your dog’s name, dosage, and the reason for the medication. As well, all instructions should be as specific and detailed as possible so that your dog’s regimen will be followed exactly as you wish.
The ultimate goal of Pawsitive Kennels staff is to safeguard the health and well-being of each and every guest who stays; with the preparation and instructions of devoted dog-owners and the staff’s own diligent, loving care, this goal is always achieved.

Pawsitive Kennels supplies raised beds. However, if you would like your pet to have bedding, please bring it.

Something That Smells Like Home
Some pets need something familiar close at paw, especially at bedtime, to give them a sense of comfort and safety.
If you think your dog might benefit from a little extra reassurance while he or she is staying at Pawsitive Kennels, it’s a good idea to bring along an unwashed item from home — a t-shirt, perhaps, or a small blanket — whose scent will be immediately associated with home, and you. The power of a dog’s nose is astounding, so this instantly recognizable object will exert a profound calming effect, especially on a nervous novice or fretful first-timer. It will convey the soothing, heartening message: this may not be home, but it’s the next best thing.
Pawsitive Kennels supplies both food and water bowls for all guests. The bowls used here are hygienic stainless steel so that they can be easily and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. And they range in size to ensure that the ideal bowls are selected for your dog, whether he or she is a giant breed, a toy breed, or somewhere in-between.
In the event, however, that your dog has a special need regarding food or water bowls — for example, if elevated bowls are required, or special bowls that prevent gorging or gulping — then feel free to bring these along.

At Pawsitive Kennels, each pet has his or her own kennel (unless you are booking two of your own dogs in the same kennel), so accommodating their toys is a simple matter. When a dog has familiar playthings nearby, the sense that this is a home away from home is heightened.
We recommend you bring your dog’s favourite toys (two, maximum; permanently marked or somehow labelled) — with the understanding that, although staff will do their utmost to return them at the conclusion of the boarding period, Pawsitive Kennels cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss that might occur.

Have Questions?
Give us a call (587) 297-4392 or send us a message and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have!